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View Components

View Component Wrapping

TL;DR: If you want to use the auto-generated Stimulus controllers and encapsulated styling for your View Components, you need to:

  1. Call with_component_assets within your component.rb class
  2. Have a single top-level element in your view (if not, a top-level <div> will be created automatically)
  3. Put your styling within a component.scss in your component folder – CSS selectors will be automatically prefixed to apply only to your component

The Platform team recently released changes to teamshares-rails that allowed almost all the assets for a component to live in the same folder: the Ruby class, Slim template view, Stimulus controller, preview, and stylesheet. In order to do that, we were previously wrapping every component in a <ts-wrapper> tag, which served as a top-level wrapper element for the Stimulus controller and a generated CSS class that would encapsulate the component’s style rules. However, this wrapper element caused some problems in terms of styling, since it added a new level of hierarchy to the DOM. (More details here.)

Our new pattern (as of October 2024) is twofold:

1. Opt-in wrapping via with_component_assets

View Components no longer get wrapped by default. Wrapping is now opt-in via the with_component_assets class method, called within the component’s class definition:

class SharedUI::Demo::Component < SharedUI::ApplicationComponent

  def initialize(title:)
    @title = title

If you don’t include with_component_assets, the component will not receive the auto-generated Stimulus controller and CSS class from their folder.

2. Automatic application of styles and controller

If you do enable the wrapper, the component will get wrapped with the <ts-wrapper> tag, which will have the generated controller and scoped CSS class applied to it. A component with this code:


.bar data-controller="some-controller"
  .baz Some text


class Foo::Component < ApplicationComponent

  def some_method

Will yield the following raw HTML:

<ts-wrapper class="c-foo" data-controller="components--foo">
  <div class="bar" data-controller="some-controller">
    <div class="baz">Some text content</div>

Using the magic of the connectedCallback() method of web components, the <ts-wrapper> tag will be removed as soon as the component hits the DOM, after first applying its properties to the component itself. Effectively, it will appear as though the controller and CSS were applied directly to the top-level element of the View Component.

Caveat: If your component doesn’t have a single top-level element, the code will automatically create a new <div> and wrap the contents of your view in it. This is so that it can apply the controller and CSS parent class.

In order to make this work, we now support a special ._base {} class definition in the component.scss – styles that appear within the ._base block will be applied directly to the generated CSS class for the component. For example, if your component is called Foo, and your ._base class contained a style rule background: red;, the compiled CSS that ends up in application.css would be:

c-foo {
  background: red;

What does this look like in practice? Check out the example code below.

Example Code

A component with this file structure and code:

  - component.html.slim
  - component.rb
  - controller.js
  - preview.rb
  - style.scss


.bar data-controller="some-controller"
  .baz Some text


class Foo::Component < ApplicationComponent

  def some_method


._base {
  @apply flex items-center;

.baz {
  @apply m-8;

Will yield the following raw HTML:

<ts-wrapper class="c-foo" data-controller="components--foo">
  <div class="bar" data-controller="some-controller">
    <div class="baz">Some text content</div>

…which, once it’s been added to the DOM and connectedCallback has been called on the ts-wrapper, will become this final HTML:

<div class="c-foo bar" data-controller="components--foo some-controller">
  <div class="baz">Some text content</div>

…along with the following compiled stylesheet within application.css:

.c-foo {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
.c-foo .baz {
  margin: 2rem;